The power of our innovations – including the ultra-efficient and patented HD technology – enables our customers to tap into the potential of the world’s most efficient condition monitoring solutions.

Smarter data, sharper analysis
Error-free data is the foundation for successful decision-making, for humans as well as for systems running on artificial intelligence. The high-definition data delivered by SPM condition monitoring solutions fully comply with the Industry 4.0 philosophy – providing more intelligent, superior-quality input perfectly suited for industrial IoT systems and Big Data mining. The result is more accurate predictions and sharper analysis.
Increased asset performance
Condition based maintenance and Industry 4.0 is a perfect fit. Including our patented HD machine condition data in your metrics enables improvement of overall performance and effectiveness by providing an in-depth view of your rotating equipment. Combining production-related data with systematically collected HD vibration data provides an excellent basis for well-founded strategic choices and maintenance priorities.
In Industry 4.0, the capability to share data is pivotal. SPM condition monitoring solutions offer multiple ways of communicating high-quality machine condition data to IoT devices, higher-level systems, central servers or cloud services, as well as accepting data input from other connected devices to ensure that all relevant machine condition parameters are taken into account. Your SPM condition Monitoring system is a value-adding company asset.
Ultimate flexibility
In the digital world of Industry 4.0, SPM condition monitoring solutions deliver high-quality, relevant data on multiple levels; starting with raw, unprocessed sensor data, via data processed through our sophisticated digital HD algorithms, all the way through to refined, fully evaluated and actionable machine condition data. This capacity to provide intelligent and customized input on the required level of detail is unique.