Elektro Dynamo invests in portable EX instrument for condition monitoring
Elektro Dynamo in Helsingborg, Sweden is a service company in the electromechanical industry, focusing on the sales and service of industrial components. In order to grow and expand its services in condition monitoring, Elektro Dynamo has now chosen to invest in SPM's latest portable instrument, Leonova Emerald IS, which enables measurement in potentially explosive industrial environments.
Elektro Dynamo has a longstanding relationship with SPM and is already using the previous generation portable instruments from SPM, Leonova Infinity. The new instrument Leonova Emerald IS is IECEx and ATEX certified for zones 0-2 and includes the award-winning and patented measurement technology SPM HD along with a powerful package for vibration analysis, balancing function, etc.
Elektro Dynamo’s Technical Manager Johnny Martinsson says: "Investing in the latest measurement technology from SPM was an obvious choice for us, as we want to offer our customers a leading edge technology in preventive maintenance. This means that besides offering service and repair work, we are now also able to conduct measurements and balancing in ATEX environments."
Based out of Helsingborg in southern Sweden, Elektro Dynamo is part of AxIndustries and operates in Helsingborg, Gothenburg, Halmstad, Malmö and Lidköping.